Existential Ambiguity


This post is dedicated to Na Rysunku… an artist I would call “Post Explanationist”. Instead of drawing something, he something draws.

I have done that here. I don’t know what I was trying to draw. As a matter of fact, I really don’t know if I was trying at all. It just happened. I have taken it one step further, however. I have found that a 90 degree clockwise rotation radically changes the character of the drawing.

I have named each iteration according to my own personal interpretation. Please scroll no further until you come up with your own one-word impression for each drawing.

After you have done that, see how you match up to my one-word impressions. To do this, scroll down now.













14 thoughts on “Existential Ambiguity

  1. Ya, Na Rysunku is pretty awesome!
    Here are my interpretations in order from top to bottom…
    horse (I saw the same thing as you.)
    a pit with water in it
    I also think that all four drawings look like cell amoeba things. Probably because I did too much biology homework…

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh my, what is happening here, Bob??? I don’t know what to say… So amazing and rewarding you did it! Thanks for this dedication! And of course I’m playing too :D, here are my words:
    (I must say, my imagination told me more than one-word connotations, so it should be: horse – sneaky baby – smiling rat’s sceleton – laughing woman with curly hair)

    Liked by 1 person

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