Adobe Illustrator

This is what I did on my first foray into Illustrator. You may be asking, as well you should, “Why a buck-toothed fish, Bob?” From what I can glean, so far, Illustrator appears to be all about shapes. So I made a shape and I looked at it and said to myself, “I can make a fish out of that.” Why buck teeth, you ask. Well, that mouth just looked like it was begging for buck teeth. Also, I bring your attention to the eyes. I don’t know what I did but they just appeared to the right of the “fish”. I thought they looked like eyes, so I gave the fish the eyes that destiny deemed I should.

Hieronymus Bosch

This was the cover to a report I did on the Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch. You know, the guy who paints people with fish heads. I’m not saying that he used fish heads to make his paintings. For example, he didn’t use a fish head as a brush. What I am trying to say is he paints pictures of fish-headed people. Circa 1999. This drawing was circa 1999 but the Hieronymus paintings were circa 1500.

You need to ask yourself…why is that shark smiling?

 Here is the new ScribblePad design. I will print some up as soon as I can.                                    I call it, “Shark in Ocean”. I thought this shark kind of looked like a dolphin. (Just change the shape of the mouth area a little bit, get rid of the sharp teeth and vents on his neck, and you got yourself a dolphin.) 


Siamese Fighting Fish!


This art is the final result of my first foray into the wonderful world of computer graphics. It was 1997 and it was created while messing around on the computer in my Design class. This is also, quite possibly, the first time I ever scanned anything.

I believe it started out as a colored pencil drawing, and after a lot of computerized manipulation, morphed into what you see here. I actually believe that the original drawing was wildly different from this final draft. (I lost the original)

The Siamese Fighting Fish is officially called the Betta. Go here to be amazed by the beauty of these creatures! Photos of Betta. 

I have a Betta and his name is Ruby and he is blue.