Children of the Ark

  I believe this was something I did during my Paragon Printing years. I’m going to guess…1996. I don’t remember much about it. Here is what I do remember…I did it for someone who was starting a day-care center called Noah’s Ark. She wanted a bunch of kids frolicking around Noah’s Ark and she wanted it done in a certain type of cutesy style. I wasn’t crazy about doing it in a certain type of cutesy style, but it turned out alright. What I like most about this drawing is the panoramic view. That’s a lot of frolicking kids!




   It is finished (I think). I sped up the rainbow, removed a leprechaun frame, and colored the gold coins.

   Do you need animation for your website (or personalized e-greeting card, or television ad, or billboard, etc.)? Contact me. I am probably very affordable right now. I would like to build up a nice portfolio of my animation. E-mail Bob at

   And, my friends, even if you don’t need animation, please pass this along to your friends. That would be great! Thanks everybody!

Amazing Discoveries

This strip is now appearing in Flint Comix even as I speak. I am presenting it here because I believe that I should “strike while the iron is hot”. The “hot” part being the WE BUY GOLD craze. This comic might not be funny in a year from now. Heck…it might not even be funny right now. This is also the first one panel strip I have ever done.