Stoopid! Magazine



Hey hey looky there…my comic strip Surewould Forest is in the very first issue of Stoopid Magazine! Not Stoopid! #1, but even better…Stoopid! #0. Stoopid! is like Mad Magazine…only better. I’m just kidding. Or am I?

Go here to buy one! Get Stoopid!

Be Smart. Get Stoopid!

Flint Comix


Did the cover art for Flint Comix and Entertainment #62. Black ink and Photoshop color. On sale now at newsstands everywhere! Well, not exactly “On sale”,… they’re free. And, not exactly “now”, it might be a few days before you can find it. Actually, “everywhere” may be a little bit misleading. Let’s say the Genesee County area. Otherwise, “at newsstands”.


Flint Comix Cover

Randy Zimmerman, the editor of Flint Comix and Entertainment, came to me and said, “Rudolph, with your nose so bright, won’t you lead my sleigh tonight?”, and I replied, “My name is Bob.” At any rate, I told him that I had no experience whatsoever with sleighs or anything like that, but what I could do is the cover for the December issue of Flint Comix. He said that would be fine, but he still needed a good sleigh-person. I told him that I would ask around, but good luck trying to get anybody to work on Christmas Eve.